Thursday, January 2, 2014


To facilitate online voting and offering guidance to the voters, the Election Commission has entered a contract with Google. 

The facility is expected to come into effect from the 2nd week of this month. Lok Sabha elections are to be held in May.EC is making the necessary arrangements for making the election process simpler and easier. The Election Commission has sought the support of Google Inc of he United States to provide better online services.

Google has already helped more than 100 countries on this aspect. Google’s network and server facility will be used. Google will manage the website for 6 months. The services are expected to start functioning from the 2nd week of January.

On-line registration and voting will be possible. Finding the voters’ list for each family and locating the election booth will also be possible. The election process will be simplified and faster.

Google is providing this service free of charge. The recent elections in 5 states were conducted through another US Company Agami.Inc using their 272 servers. It is remarkable that millions of people watched the every-minute prompt details of the election results of the 5 states last month.Google will also publish the results of the next Lok Sabha elections. The Election Commission is considering ways to use the servers and the network.

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