Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Chennai Corporation has decided to issue free mosquito net, for the people who has the green ration card. The poor people living near the drainage passage are getting benefited by the free mosquito net. Till now around 3 lakhmosquito nets reached the poor people.

Issuance commenced: The program for the issuance of the mosquito net was initiated by the chief minister J. Jayalalitha last month. Even though the scheme was started by last month, the TamilNadu Corporation delayed the process of issuance. Regarding this delay, the ‘Dinamani’ Newspaper has delivered the detailed news.

On behalf of this news, the corporation has started its duty for issuing the mosquito net. As the start, the jobs are initiated at Thandaiyarpet and Rayapuram. This scheme is only for the people who has a green ration card.

Officials of Corporation declare that:

The process of issuing the free mosquito net is initiated at Sunday in Chennai. In the commencing month, the process will be initiated in other states. Since many poor people staying near the drainage area are not having the ration card may not be able avail this benefit. Hence people recommend the officialsto go in person to the houses and serve the net.

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