Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Chennai rumbles to the exhaust notes of 300 harleys

This morning, the picturesque city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu witnessed 300 Harley-Davidson bikes roaring through the city to Mahabalipuram, to celebrate the 2nd Southern H.O.G. Ride. The sheer camaraderie and brotherhood amongst the riders fuelled the tempo of this milestone journey.

H.O.G. chapters across India, from Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Indore and Kochi came together with their families making this one of the biggest zonal rides hosted by Harley-Davidson India.

The second southern H.O.G ride was held from the 28th to 30th of September. The three day event, organized, exclusively for Harley owners had live music, the newest Harley-Davidson merchandise on display, a tattoo parlor and a “Swap Shop” where riders could exchange motorcycle accessories and install them on the spot.  A ride was also planned on the evening of the 29th where almost all of the 300 riders took part. The evening will also had a contest among riders to award the “best customized” motorcycles at the rally.  

As the ride came to an  end, emotions ran high amongst the H.O.Gs as they bid adieu to new found friends and held on to the memorable experiences  of the 2nd Southern H.O.G Ride.

“The Southern H.O.G Ride has always been one of my favorite regional rides. I attended the first Southern H.O.G Ride in 2012 which was nothing short of fantastic. This year’s edition has been equally fabulous if not more. These three days passed in a flash, as I made new friends, shared my riding stories and will now be riding back home with a whole new set of brothers” Bala Chandrasekharan, Director, Coromandel H.O.G, Chapter, Chennai. Coromandel Chapter is the host chapter for the Second Southern H.O.G. Ride. 

“Ganesh and I recently set out on a 9200 kilometer, one month long ride from Bhubaneswar. We plan to ride to Kanyakumari and from there to Chail in Himachal Pradesh. It’s been great riding with Ganesh who is 69 years young and is one of the most passionate Harley riders I’ve ever met.  Riding along the Coromandel Coast line and visiting the Mahabalipuram temples just added another flavor to the whole ride. The icing on the cake was the parade where almost 300 of us rode together for the first time ever. A surreal experience indeed” Samit Patra, Bengal H.O.G. Chapter.

The Harley Owners Group in India encompasses the true spirit of brotherhood and camaraderie, something that Harley-Davidson is renowned for, world over. Local H.O.G rides are conducted at regular intervals, for customers to meet, ride together and experience the freedom of the open road.

Harley-Davidson customers don’t buy a bike but actually buy into a culture and lifestyle offering that few brands can offer today. With presence in over 120 countries and 1.3 Million members from across the world, H.O.G is one of the largest and most successful global communities bound together through common beliefs and a passion for biking. With participation from H.O.G chapters across India- Banjara Harley-Davidson in Hyderabad, Bengal Harley-Davidson in Kolkata, Capital Harley-Davidson in Delhi, Coromandel Harley-Davidson in Chennai, Nine Bridges Harley-Davidson in Ahmedabad, Seven Islands Harley-Davidson in Mumbai, Spice Coast Harley-Davidson in Kochi, Himalaya Harley-Davidson in Chandigarh, Tiger Harley-Davidson in Indore and Tusker Harley-Davidson in Bangalore, the Southern H.O.G Ride was a pan-India phenomenon.

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